The Murong Ghar is not just a chang ghar but it is the lifeblood of the MISING culture.
Murong Ghar is a chang ghar. The Murong Ghar is longer and wider than the usual changhars usually inhabited by the MISINGs. These moorang houses are made of wood and bamboo. These Murong houses are built of valuable mature and a special type of wood. There are many different rules and regulations that are followed in the construction of these headquarters.
The symbols of the MISING Gods Do:nyii (Sun) and PO:LO (Moon) are kept in the Murong Ghar. The Murong Ghar is widely used during various festivals especially Ali Aye Ligang and Po:rag Festival.
In addition, various issues of the villagers, village meetings, youth discussions, as well as all kinds of issues are discussed and decisions are taken at the headquarters
Apart from social religious ceremonies, Murong Ghar is also used as an educational center for festivals, games, dance and music. They also treated the society committee and dignitaries to the premises of the Murang Ghar.
In addition, various issues of the villagers, village meetings, youth discussions, discussions and decisions on all kinds of issues are taken at the headquarters.